
AI seems to be everywhere - whether it’s an AI chatbot like ChatGPT, or the way TikTok uses AI to keep you scrolling - it’s a hot topic that seems to be growing even more every day. As people in caring community, we need to work to learn about how these technologies could be affecting us and others. This activity will prompt you to think about the bigger effects of AI. What is AI? A basic definition by Coursera outlines artificial intelligence as “the theory and development of computer systems capable of performing tasks that historically required human intelligence, such as recognizing speech, making decisions, and identifying patterns. AI is an umbrella term that encompasses a wide variety of technologies, including machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing.” (source: Coursera).

Like a hammer can both make repairs or harm someone, AI is also a tool that can be helpful or harmful. Scholar Ruha Benjamin thinks about how flawed data can cause even more harm when used with AI:

"These systems [rely] on historic data, historic forms of decision-making practices that then get fed into the algorithms to train them how to make decisions. And so if we acknowledge that part of that historic data and those patterns of decision-making have been discriminatory, it means that both the data and oftentimes the models, which are built to make important, sometimes life-and-death decisions for people, are being reproduced under the guise of objectivity."

"The main danger of it, perhaps more dangerous than human bias, is that we assume that the technology is neutral and objective. So we don't question it as much -- not as much as we would [with] a racist judge, or doctor, or police. We think, 'Oh, it's coming to us through a computer screen. Okay. I give these resources to this person and not this person.' And [we] don't question where that decision came from."
(from an interview with Ruha Benjamin on The Data Chief podcast)

For each card, think about the ethics that apply to each scenario. Then, hover over the card to flip and discuss the guided questions.

your friend wins an art competition, but they told you they used an ai image generator to make their art

Some image generators source images from artists that do not want their art to be put into algorithms, or did not consent for AI models to use their art in that way.

How should we navigate the ethical considerations surrounding image rights, the origin of source materials, and the ownership of the resulting art?

Where should the line be drawn between AI generated creativity and human creativity?

someone starts a rumor about your best friend using an ai generated deep fake video

What are the ethical considerations related to the unauthorized use of someone’s identity/likeness?

What are the potential consequences of using deepfake technology to manipulate reality?

What measures can be taken to protect people’s privacy?

you write an essay using a writing ai like chatgpt, which you are allowed to use as a tool, but you do not cite or credit it

When using ChatGPT to assist in writing an essay—a practice permitted by your school—but failing to cite it as a source, how does this decision impact your learning process and the broader concept of academic integrity?

What is the significance of acknowledging AI's role in your academic work and the potential long-term effects on the value of original thought within academic environments?

your school uses an ai grader for an opinion based essay assignment in history class

What are the issues around fairness and the potential biases in AI powered graders?

Consider the AI grader’s ability to accurately assess the diversity of human thought and writing.

Can the AI grader potentially favor or penalize certain viewpoints over others?

your school implements an ai based facial recognition system for attendance

What privacy concerns arise with the implementation of a facial recognition system for attendance at school, and how might this technology impact your sense of privacy?

What are the potential risks of misidentification, and how could such errors affect students' daily lives and trust in the school community?

you are trying to get a job at the mall and the employers put everyone’s resume through an ai

What considerations should be made regarding the potential biases of an AI system checking resumes for job applications?

How could the bias of the programmers of the AI affect hiring decisions?

How might this affect the fairness of the hiring process, particularly for candidates from diverse backgrounds or with unusual experiences?

you have access to a paid ai homework helper for math, but not everyone can afford it

How does using an AI homework helper for math assignments impact your understanding of mathematical concepts compared to the more common study methods?

Why is ensuring equal access to educational tools important in maintaining fairness and equity in the learning environment?

What might be the effects on students who do not have the same level of access to these technologies?

you need a diagram in your school presentation that is due tomorrow - you can take the time to draw it yourself, or use an ai generated image that uses a lot of energy to create

Generating one image takes about the same amount of energy as running a fridge for half an hour.
( source)

What are the environmental consequences of choosing to use an AI to generate the diagram, considering the high energy consumption?

Consider how the environmental impact could multiply with more complicated processes.

you are protesting at school but the social media platform that you mainly use to gather/post important information uses an ai algorithm that suppresses your cause

How does the use of AI algorithms by social media platforms to suppress information about certain causes, including school protests, raise concerns about censorship and the ethical use of AI in controlling access to information?

Do you think the AI in the social media apps you use have influenced you? How do you feel about their potential to influence you?